

Experienced Support

With trained and experienced support staffs, all your queries are just one click away from getting answered. Our support team provides 24/7 support and assistance to customers.

Seamless Experience

Earning has always been this easy. Whether you are making payments or making payouts or you are simply checking up on your investments, navigating the platform is seamless and easy.

100% Secure Platform

Using state-of-the art servers, we have guarded our servers with high-end SSL technology and the latest DDoS Guard to protect against any form of misuse or money laundering.

To safeguard your data, all communication with Fundrise is protected with end-to-end Transport Layer Security (TLS) and your sensitive data is encrypted at-rest using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), the same method utilized by banks.

Multiple Payment Methods

When you’re a clients on our platform, we handle everything from transaction processing to performance reporting, so you can focus on your clients' needs.

With an array of payment methods provided by the platform, you get multiple options to make payments and receive payouts.

Invest Without Compromise

Our $7+ billion investment portfolio* aims to harness the most powerful long-term across the world. Cutting across European Countries and beyond. In today's macroeconomic environment, we believe the Fundrise portfoliois as well-positioned as any in the world to deliver stable, market-beating returns.

At Fundrise Networking, We provide an all-round, easy to use, risk-free investment platform that increases your earning potential. Join the platform to discover the power of earning in an increasing cryptocurrency ecosystem.



High-Performance Technology

We've spent 10+ years systematically replacing the industry standard of spreadsheets, PDFs, and expensive 3rd-party vendors with APl-driven, fully integrated investor servicing, fund management, and asset management software.

In collaboration with CORNIX all aspects are regulated.

Our end-to-end, fully integrated technology platform is an industry first, drastically reducing operating costs, enabling sophisticated use of data, and delivering improved performance management.

A Growth Mindset

We blend our investment expertise with smart technology to provide our 385,000+ investors with the buying power and investment opportunities traditionally reserved for billion euro institutions.

Income Generation

Income Generation


The Flagship of daily Funding, Income Profit Fund, and Investment Fund are registered investment companies under the Investment Company Act of 1940, each of whom's securities offerings have been registered with the US Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC").

Each fund's prospectus and other information can be found on the SEC's EDGAR website using the links above. Registration with the SEC does not imply approval of the merits of any offering.

Join our VIP trading team and profit from the crypto market easily.

If you’re a beginner no need to panic or worry. We know the feeling when you’re not inspired enough, not until you receive your first profit payment. 

With us, you can put frustration, self-blame, constant doubts and losing streaks behind you. By joining us, transparency is key.

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