

Frequently Asked Questions


How can I start investing?

To invest and start earning, you have to open an account by filling out the sign up form. Once you're done registering, you should proceed to deposit into your account and invest.

How many accounts can I register?

You are limited in the number of accounts you can create. You can only create one account verified for yourself.

How can I withdraw funds?

Login to your account using your email address and password to check the Withdraw section.

You’re only eligible to withdraw when you have successfully made your first profit. For easy access, you can contact an official agent on any desired platform.

What are the minimum and maximum withdrawal limits?

100€\40.000 HUF is the minimum. There is no limit to the maximum amount you can withdraw.

How are withdrawal request processed?

You’re automatically eligible to withdraw and receive funds paid out directly into your bank account details, only if you’ve invested. Withdrawal requests are processed 24 hours on daily and every 7 days on weekly.

How do I make a deposit?

To make an investment you must first register a new account. Once you are registered and logged in, you can make your first deposit. All deposits must be made through the deposit section on your dashboard.

How do I get more information?


Accessing our Direct-access platforms.

We offer direct access with our Local Executives in your town Hungary, for you to be able to communicate with agents for better understanding via our online platform. 

Whatever platform you choose to communicate is available.

When are earnings credited to my account?

Every 24 hours on daily and every 7 days on weekly.

May I take a loan from my account?

Fundrise Network does not offer a loan provision.

Who is eligible to enroll?

Any public employee who is eligible for membership in one of the State's statutory retirement systems (including the City of Hungarian retirement system) is eligible to enroll.

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